Observables form the reactive state of your MobX Application. You can use the API directly or rely on annotations to make it easier. The reactive state of your application can be divided into the Core State and Derived State. Core State is the state inherent to your business domain, where as Derived State is state that can be derived from the Core State.
Reactive State = Core-State + Derived-State

As you can tell from the image above, the Derived-State is almost always read-only. In the MobX parlance, derived-state is also called computed properties, or just computeds.
The derived state can be much bigger than the core-state. This is understandable as the number of variations in which the core-state can be visualized can keep increasing over time. All of these are projections from the core-state. For example, the same list of items can be visualized as the raw list, a table, chart or some custom visualization. The view-specific data can be derived from the same core-state.
Observable(T initialValue, {String name, ReactiveContext context})
T initialValue
: the initial value for theObservable
otherwise.String name
: a name to identify during debuggingReactiveContext context
: the context to which this observable is bound. By default, all observables are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.
An Observable
is used to track a single value, either primitive or complex.
Whenever it changes value, it will fire a notification so that all connected
reactions will re-execute.
final counter = Observable(0); // initially 0
final list = Observable<List<Todo>>(); // start with an initialValue of null
If you use a Store
class, you could do the following to annotate observable
properties of the class:
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'todo.g.dart';
class Todo = _Todo with _$Todo;
abstract class _Todo with Store {
String description = '';
bool done = false;
void markDone(bool flag) {
done = flag;
You can convert plain int
, 'double', bool
, and String
literals into
an observable version with the .obs()
extension method. For example:
var name = ''.obs(); // infers ObservableString
var counter = 0.obs(); // infers ObservableInt
You can toggle an internal value of Observable<bool>
with .toggle()
var lights = true.obs();
lights.toggle(); // now lights.value is false
Generally speaking you want two things in your stores: reactive fields and encapsulation. Let's take a look at the counter example once again.
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'counter.g.dart';
class Counter = CounterBase with _$Counter;
abstract class CounterBase with Store {
int value = 0;
void increment() {
As you can see, the value
field is public, which means you are allowed to do
the following:
final counter = Counter();
counter.value = -42;
This violates the encapsulation principle from OOP, so let's make it private.
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'counter.g.dart';
class Counter = CounterBase with _$Counter;
abstract class CounterBase with Store {
int _value = 0;
int get value => _value;
void increment() {
So, because you made it private you're now required to make a getter, otherwise
the client wouldn't have access to value
. But, as most of the time you want to
keep things privatly, a Store with slightly more fields would result in some
serious boilerplate. Could we avoid that?
I'm glad you asked. To solve this problem we made a annotation which makes getters for private variables so that you don't have to. Look how it translates into code:
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'counter.g.dart';
class Counter = CounterBase with _$Counter;
abstract class CounterBase with Store {
int _value = 0;
void increment() {
Isn't it awesome? Now your fields can only be changed by @actions
while being available throught getters. It is no different than an observable
though, you're allowed to use of computed getters the same way you do with
Note: Just don't forget to use it only on private fields, because it just doesn't make sense otherwise. But don't worry, if by any chance you happens to forget, we warn you with friendly errors at code generation time.
Use deep equality on collections​
By default, MobX uses the ==
to compare the previous value. This is fine for
primitives, but for collections, you may want to use a
When using deep equal, no reaction will occur if all elements are equal.
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'todo.g.dart';
class Todo = _Todo with _$Todo;
abstract class _Todo with Store {
String description = '';
bool done = false;
void markDone(bool flag) {
done = flag;
int get hashCode => description.hashCode ^ done.hashCode;
operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is Todo &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
description == other.description &&
done == other.done;
class Todos = _Todos with _$Todos;
abstract class _Todos with Store {
(useDeepEquals: true)
List<Todo> _todos = [];
List get todos => _todos;
void setTodos(List<Todo> todos) {
_todos = todos;
Computed(T Function() fn, {String name, ReactiveContext context, EqualityComparer<T>? equals, bool? keepAlive})
T Function() fn
: the function which relies on observables to compute its value.String name
: a name to identify during debuggingReactiveContext context
: the context to which this computed is bound. By default, all computeds are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.EqualityComparer<T>? equals
: It acts as a comparison function for comparing the previous value with the next value. If this function considers the values to be equal, then the observers will not be re-evaluated. This is useful when working with structural data and types from other libraries.bool? keepAlive
: This avoids suspending computed values when they are not being observed by anything (see the above explanation). Can potentially create memory leaks.
Computed-s form the derived state of your application. They depend on other
observables or computed
for their value. Any time the depending-observables
change, they will recompute their new value. Computed-s are also smart and
cache their previous value. Only when the computed-value is different from
the cached-value, will they fire notifications. This behavior is key to ensure
the connected reactions don't execute unnecessarily.
The caching behavior is only for notifications and not for the value. Calling a computed property will always evaluate and return the value. There is no caching on the computation itself. However, notifications fire only when the computed value is different from the previous one. This is where the caching behavior applies.
It can be overridden by setting the annotation with the keepAlive
option or by
creating a no-op autorun(() { someComputed })
, which can be nicely cleaned up
later if needed. Note that both solutions have the risk of creating memory
leaks. Changing the default behavior here is an anti-pattern.
final first = Observable('Pavan');
final last = Observable('Podila');
final fullName = Computed(() => '${first.value} ${last.value}');
print(fullName.value); // Pavan Podila
runInAction(() => first.value = 'Siri');
print(fullName.value); // Siri Podila
With annotations, this can become easier to use:
part 'todo_list.g.dart';
class Contact = _Contact with _$Contact;
abstract class _Contact with Store {
String first = 'Pavan';
String last = 'Podila';
String get fullName => '${first} ${last}';
Why do we need an Observable***
Class for types like Future
, Stream
, List
, Map
, Set
The core types provided by Dart are not reactive by nature. They don't
participate in the MobX reactive system and hence changes in them are not
notified to the Observer
. To have a well-behaving reactive system, we need
data-structures that are also reactive inherently. This requires that we have an
-version of the core types like List
, Map
, Future
.The following set of types will help you build stores that participate
well in the MobX world. Use them when you need reactive data-structures that are
ObservableList({ReactiveContext context})
ReactiveContext context
: the context to which this list is bound. By default, allObservableList
s are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.
An ObservableList
gives you a deeper level of observability on a list of
values. It tracks when items are added, removed or modified and notifies the
observers. Use an ObservableList
when a change in the list matters. You can
couple this with the @observable
annotation to also track when the list
reference changes, eg: going from null
to a list with values.
Whenever you are using Observer
and need to pass ObservableList
to Observer
child, use observableList.toList()
to tell your Observer
to track your list
mutations and pass it to child widget as a List
. Look for the example below
for better understanding.
Below is the example to use ObservableList
with Observer
class Controller {
final ObservableList<String> observableList = ObservableList<String>();
Observer(builder: (_) {
return SizedBox(
width: 1024,
height: 512,
child: ChildWidget(
list: controller.observableList.toList(), // Mobx will detect mutations to observableList
class ChildWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const ChildWidget({super.key, required this.list});
/// Don't use ObservableList here otherwise the context for parent widget
/// observer will change and it will not track these mutations.
final List<String> list;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: list.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return SizedBox(
width: 112,
height: 48,
child: ListTile(
title: Text(list[index]),
ObservableMap({ReactiveContext context})
ReactiveContext context
: the context to which this map is bound. By default, allObservableMap
s are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.
An ObservableMap
gives you a deeper level of observability on a map of values.
It tracks when keys are added, removed or modified and notifies the observers.
Use an ObservableMap
when a change in the map matters. You can couple this
with the @observable
annotation to also track when the map reference changes,
eg: going from null
to a map with values.
ObservableSet({ReactiveContext context})
ReactiveContext context
: the context to which this set is bound. By default, allObservableSet
s are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.
An ObservableSet
gives you a deeper level of observability on a set of values.
It tracks when values are added, removed or modified and notifies the observers.
Use an ObservableSet
when a change in the set matters. You can couple this
with the @observable
annotation to also track when the set reference changes,
eg: going from null
to a set with values.
ObservableFuture(Future<T> future, {ReactiveContext context})
Future<T> future
: The future that is tracked for status changes.ReactiveContext context
: the context to which this observable-future is bound. By default, allObservableFuture
s are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.
The ObservableFuture
is the reactive wrapper around a Future
. You can use it
to show the UI under various states of a Future
, from pending
to fulfilled
or rejected
. The status
, result
and error
fields of an
are observable and can be consumed on the UI.
Here is a simple LoadingIndicator
widget that uses the ObservableFuture
show a progress bar during a fetch operation:
// github_store.dart
part 'github_store.g.dart';
class GithubStore = _GithubStore with _$GithubStore;
abstract class _GithubStore with Store {
// ...
static ObservableFuture<List<Repository>> emptyResponse =
// We are starting with an empty future to avoid a null check
ObservableFuture<List<Repository>> fetchReposFuture = emptyResponse;
// ...
// github_widgets.dart
class LoadingIndicator extends StatelessWidget {
const LoadingIndicator(this.store);
final GithubStore store;
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Observer(
builder: (_) => store.fetchReposFuture.status == FutureStatus.pending
? const LinearProgressIndicator()
: Container());
ObservableStream(Stream<T> stream, {T initialValue, bool cancelOnError, ReactiveContext context, String? name, EqualityComparer<dynamic>? equals})
Stream<T> stream
: The stream that is tracked forstatus
changes.T initialValue
: The starting value of the stream.bool cancelOnError
: Should the stream be cancelled on error. Default is set tofalse
.ReactiveContext context
: the context to which this observable-stream is bound. By default, allObservableStream
s are bound to the singletonmainContext
of the application.String? name
: This string is used as a debug name.EqualityComparer<dynamic>? equals
: It acts as a comparison function for comparing the previous value with the next value. If this function considers the values to be equal, then the observers will not be re-evaluated.
Similar to ObservableFuture
, an ObservableStream
provides a reactive
wrapper around a Stream
. This gives an easy way to observe and re-render
whenever there is new data
, or error
or a status
change on the
An Atom
is at the core of the MobX reactivity system. It tracks when it is
observed and notifies whenever it changes. Note that an Atom does not store any
value. That is the responsibility of the Observable
, which extends Atom
add the storage. You would rarely need to use an Atom directly. Instead, depend
on an Observable
for most use-cases.
The mobx_codegen
package uses an Atom
internally for all the
annotated fields.
Atomic Clock​
Here is a simple clock that relies on an Atom
to notify every second.
Full code can be seen here.
- When the clock gets observed the first time, we start the timer
). - When the clock is no longer observed (eg: when a reaction is disposed), we
dispose off the timer (
). - In each tick of the timer, we call
. This notifies the MobX reactive system that the atom has changed value and all connected reactions should be re-executed. - When the
property is read the first time, the clock gets observed and starts ticking. It also fires the_atom.reportObserved()
to make MobX start tracking this atom.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
class Clock {
Clock() {
_atom = Atom(
name: 'Clock Atom', onObserved: _startTimer, onUnobserved: _stopTimer);
DateTime get now {
return DateTime.now();
Atom _atom;
Timer _timer;
void _startTimer() {
print('Clock started ticking');
if (_timer != null) {
_timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), _onTick);
void _stopTimer() {
if (_timer != null) {
print('Clock stopped ticking');
void _onTick(_) {